COVID-19: Indian PM Modi thanks small traders and shopkeepers for their contribution

File Photo of Indian PM Modi

Enamul Hafiz Latifee reports,

On Sunday 09 April 2020 Prime Minister Narendra Modi, took to Twitter and said that all the small shopkeepers and traders have contributed immensely to easing people’s lives during the coronavirus pandemic. He said, “Let us imagine what would happen if these small traders and shopkeepers did not take the risk of their own lives and did not deliver the necessities of everyday life?”


He added, “Small shopkeepers have contributed significantly to maintaining the entire social system. The society and country will always remember his contribution. I know that it is challenging to follow social distancing yourself and get others to follow it.”

He also mentioned how shopkeepers should continue to follow social distancing, whilst serving the people of the nation.

The lockdown was first announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 24 March for 21 days in a bid to combat the coronavirus endemic.


While extending the lockdown till 03 May 2020, the prime minister declared that select activities will open up from 20 April 2020 in identified areas.

We’ll get through this! Meanwhile, here’s all you need to know about the Coronavirus outbreak to keep yourself safe, informed, and updated.


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