COVID-19: Bangladesh reports 37 deaths and 111642 total recoveries on 19 July 2020

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Bangladesh today (19 July 2020) recorded 37 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths and 2,459 fresh cases overnight.

The recovery count rose to 1,11,642 after another 1,546 patients were discharged from the hospitals during the period, a top health official said.

“Thirty-seven more COVID-19 patients died in the last 24 hours, increasing the death toll from the pandemic to 2618,” Additional Director General of Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) Prof Nasima Sultana told a virtual media briefing at DGHS in the city this afternoon.

She said the tally of infections has surged to 2,04,525 as 2,459 new cases were confirmed in the last 24 hours.

The health official also informed that a total of 10,625 samples were tested at 80 authorized laboratories across the country during the time.

Among the total infections, 54.59 percent patients have recovered while 1.28 percent died so far


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