COVID-19: Awami League presidium member Mohammed Nasim no more

File photo of senior Awami League leader and former minister Mohammed Nasim


Awami League (AL) presidium member, 14-party alliance’s spokesperson and former health minister Mohammed Nasim passed away at a city hospital today (13 June 2020) at the age of 72.

Mohammed Nasim breathed his last while undergoing treatment at Bangladesh Specialized Hospital in city’s Shyamoli area, his personal assistant Ashraful Alam Mintu confirmed.


He is survived by wife, three sons, a host of relatives and admirers.

On 01 June last, Nasim was admitted to the hospital. Later at night, he was found coronavirus positive after testing sample.

He also suffered a stroke in the early hours of June 5 and had undergone a successful operation.

Later, the concerned doctors first kept him under close observation for 72 hours.

Then, the observation period was extended to more than 72 hours.

By this time, Nasim was found coronavirus negative in the second and third tests. On 06 June, a medical board was formed under the direction of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to ensure his better treatment.


Nasim was born on 2 April of 1948 in Kazipur Upazila of Sirajganj district to Muhammad Mansur Ali and Amena Mansur.

Muhammad Mansur Ali, a close associate of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, served as the 3rd prime minister of Bangladesh in 1975 and was one of the four national leaders killed in the Dhaka Central Jail on 03 November 1975.


Nasim did his graduation in political science from then Jagannath College, now Jagannath University (JnU).

He was elected Member of Parliament for five times in 1986, 1996, 2001, 2014 and 2018.


The veteran AL leader was sworn in as Minister for Health and Family Welfare on 12 January in 2014.

He was discharging duty as the chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Food Ministry till death.

Earlier, in the tenure of 1996’s government, he had successfully served as the Minister for Home Affairs, Housing and Public Works as well as Posts and Telecommunications.

He was involved in various social welfare activities alongside politics and set up several educational institutions in his area including Dhaka and Sirajganj.


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