Air-conditioned buses in Seoul to run with windows open amid COVID-19 woes

Buses in Seoul will be able to keep their windows open while running air conditioners as part of precautionary measures against the coronavirus, the city government said Tuesday. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

Enamul Hafiz Latifee compiles,

Buses in Seoul will be able to keep their windows open while running air conditioners as part of precautionary measures against the coronavirus, the city government said Tuesday, 12 May 2020.

The measure, applicable to buses on all routes, comes amid concerns that air conditioning in closed spaces may result in spreading the contagious virus among passengers.


The city government had previously banned air-conditioned buses from leaving windows open as part of its energy-saving scheme.

This marks the latest move in efforts to prevent possible transmission on public transportation.

On Monday, the city announced that it will mandate subway passengers to wear masks during peak hours.

Under the measure, passengers will be required to wear face masks when the proportion of passengers to train capacity exceeds 150 percent.


The city government said it will sell surgical masks at vending machines, sales outlets and convenience stores in subway stations.


(Inputs from YNA)


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