World premiers greet Bangladeshis on 50 years of independence

Art by, Bangladesh Awami League


World leaders today (25 March 2021) congratulated the people of Bangladesh and the government on the occasion of 50 years of its independence and the birth centenary of Bangabandhu.

“I convey my heartfelt congratulations on the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,” South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun said in a video message played on the ninth day of a 10-day special programme marking the twin celebrations.

He said Korea and Bangladesh have continued to nurture the ties of friendship over nearly half a century since establishment of the diplomatic relations in 1973.

Sye-kyun said Sheikh Mujibur Rahman devoted his life to the struggle for the independence of Bengalee nation and secure the Bangla language as the national language.

In his message, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Metodiev Borisov congratulated Bangladeshis on this occasion and wished prosperity of the friendly people of Bangladesh.

“I am confident that the relations between Bulgaria and Bangladesh will continue to broaden and strengthen in the areas of mutual interests,” he said.

Cuba President Miguel D-az-Canel Bermodez in his video message conveyed greetings to the people of Bangladesh on its Independence Day.

In his video message, President of Zambia Edgar Chagwa Lungu said: “I convey my sincere greetings and best wishes to Bangladesh and its people on the occasion of your country’s golden jubilee of independence.”

He called for strengthening bilateral relations through enhanced cooperation in trade, agriculture and information and technology for the mutual benefits of the two countries.

Poland President Andrzej Duda in a video message expressed satisfaction over the development of their bilateral relations.

Czech President Milos Zeman said Czech Republic and Bangladesh enjoy cordial relations based on friendship and cooperation.

“Undoubtedly, these bonds between our two countries would be further enhanced in the future for the mutual benefits of our people,” he said.

In his video message, Belgian King Philippe wished peace, prosperity and happiness of the people of Bangladesh.

Prince Charles of British Royal Family, Foreign Secretary of the Philippines Teodoro Locsin Junior and Bangladesh’s Japanese Friend Takasi Hawakawa’s son Osamu Hawakawa also sent messages on the occasion.


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