Malaysia urges Bangladesh to lift export ban on Hydroxychloroquine

Flags of Malaysia and Bangladesh

Enamul Hafiz Latifee reports,

The government of Malaysia is providing necessary assistance to expatriate Bangladeshi nationals residing in that country amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Malaysian authority is working closely with Bangladesh mission located in Kuala Lumpur in this regard, according to a letter sent by Malaysian Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Tun Hussein to his Bangladesh counterpart Dr AK Abdul Momen, a foreign ministry press release said here today.


In his letter, the Malaysian Foreign Minister urged Bangladesh to withdraw the export ban on Hydroxychloroquine tablets to their country as the medicine is important for the treatment of coronavirus positive patients, said the release.

Hishammuddin thanked the Bangladesh Foreign Minister for his cooperation to take back stranded Malaysian nationals from Bangladesh.


The Malaysian foreign minister also put emphasis on working together with Bangladesh in combating the deadly coronavirus.


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