Amid COVID-19 crisis, India to get lead role at WHO next month

Indian PM Narendra Modi. File Photo.

Enamul Hafiz Latifee reports,

After the World Health Organization (WHO)’s annual meeting next month, India will move to a leadership role at the global health body’s headquarters. Sources quoted in a Hindustan Times report stated that the appointment of the country’s nominee as chairperson the WHO’s Executive Board will take place at a time when the world is struggling to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection.


The COVID-19 pandemic has killed over 180,000 people across the world and infected as many as 2.6 million. The communicable infection has forced countries to impose lockdowns, which could drastically cost the world economy this year.

However, India is likely to assume a leadership position on 22 May 2020, at the Executive Board’s meeting after the WHO’s assembly conference. Japan will complete its one-year term at the job next month.


Diplomats in Geneva and Delhi told Hindustan Times that India will replace Japan at a crucial job. Last year it was decided that the chairperson’s role will come to India when the global health body’s South East Asia group proposed New Delhi to the executive board for a three-year long term.


The South East Asia group also nominated India for the chairperson’s role, which is held by rotation for one year, among the regional groups. The decision was taken long before the COVID-19 pandemic originated in China’s Wuhan and gripped the entire world.


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